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Finding Nemo Wallpapers

Finding Nemo

One best example of these animation movies is "Finding Nemo". It is one of the best animation movies of all time; and it has impressive box-office runs worldwide. Thanks to this movie, the majority of people, especially kids, are now familiar with deep sea life. They have learnt about different fish species and they know what a clown fish is, where it lives, and what it looks like. The movie has presented a precious learning opportunity that can't be found elsewhere.

        Unfortunately, with this learning opportunity comes a subtle calamity. The movie's use of the clown fish has brought undesirable consequences.  "Finding Nemo" has made people go crazy about the little fish.  The beautiful coloring of the fish and its active disposition make everybody go for fishing Nemo. This has prompted mass purchase of that fascinating fish as a house pet, mainly in the United States. This will make "Finding Nemo" available on Blu-ray, in 3D, and in aquariums.

         This massive demand will certainly endanger the clown fish 30 different species that live mainly in warm waters. They are commonly found in the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Red Sea. The clown fish lives among the tentacles of anemone, which is probably the origin of its name (a-nemo-ne). The constant movement of the tentacles of anemone provide a safe home for the clown fish from predators. Unluckily, these tentacles won't save the fish from human beings.

     The producers of "Finding Nemo" intend to produce a second sequel of the movie in 2016. It will certainly boost the stardom of  the little fish that's already hit the roof. But now that everybody has found Nemo,  the producers will have to deeply consider the new title, "Saving Nemo".

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